Salbutamol inhaler Singapore buy


Salbutamol is one of the most effective bronchodilators, which today remains the first choice drug for the treatment of bouts of bronchial asthma.

Salbutamol is supplied on the pharmaceutical market of Singapore under the following trade names:

Salbutamol belongs to the class of short-acting β2-adrenoreceptor agonists. The pharmacological action of the bronchodilator lies in the stimulation of adrenoreceptors, which are widespread in the smooth muscles of the bronchi.

Stimulation of β2-receptors leads to the activation of the adenylyl cyclase enzyme and a decrease in the intracellular concentration of calcium ions. This in turn helps to relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi, dilates the lumen of the bronchi and relieves their spasm.

As a rule, the bronchodilating effect of Salbutamol onsets already in two to three minutes after the drug administration. The maximum effect develops in 20-30 minutes and, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, persists for 4-4.5 hours.

Salbutamol is available for Singaporeans in a variety of dosage forms. In local pharmacies, this bronchodilator is supplied as:

  • Oral syrup and tablets.
  • Aerosol oral inhaler and inhalation solution.
  • Solution for intravenous or intramuscularly injection.

Salbutamol is a prescription drug and is available in pharmacies of Singapore by prescription. The bronchodilator is prescribed for the removal of asthma attacks in bronchial asthma and for the prevention of bronchospasm attacks due to physical exertion or contact with allergens.

In addition to bronchodilating action, Salbutamol exerts a tocolytic action. The bronchodilator lowers the tone and contractile activity of the myometrium. It can be used in premature birth (22 – 37 weeks of pregnancy).

Salbutamol has virtually no effect on beta 1-adrenoreceptors of the heart. When used in therapeutic doses, Salbutamol does not increase the heart rate and does not affect the blood pressure level.

For a fast relief of acute bronchospasms in children and adults, you can buy in Singaporean pharmacies oral forms of Salbutamol:

  • 2mg and 4mg tablets.
  • 2 mg/5 ml oral syrup.

Children aged 2 to 6 years are prescribed 1-2 mg of Salbutamol, 6 to 12 years – 2 mg of Salbutamol three to four times a day. A single dose of Salbutamol for adolescents over 12 years and adults varies from 2 to 8 mg. Elderly people are prescribed no more than 8 mg of Salbutamol per day.

The maximum daily dose of Salbutamol for adults should not exceed 16 mg (four Salbutamol 4 mg tablets). The recommended daily dose for modified-release Salbutamol tablets is 8 mg.

Oral forms of Salbutamol should be taken on an empty stomach one hour before a meal or two hours after a meal. Extended-release tablets are taken as a whole, without dividing or chewing.

Dosage forms of Salbutamol aerosol oral inhaler and nebuliser solution are used for the treatment of severe bronchospasms and acute severe asthma.

To get rid of an asthma attacks, shortness of breath and wheezing, you can buy Salbutamol in Singapore pharmacies as a metered-dose aerosol or dry powder inhaler.

Salbutamol inhalers can be used daily or as needed. Typically, the recommended daily dose of Salbutamol for the treatment of bronchial asthma in adults is 1-2 inhalations, three to four times a day.

An interval of 1-2 minutes should be observed between the inhalations. The interval between two subsequent inhalations should be at least 4 hours. Do not take more than 8 inhalations per day (800 mcg Salbutamol).

The recommended Salbutamol dose for arresting a bronchospasm in children aged 6 to 12 years is one inhalation, three times a day. The daily dose can sometimes be increased to 2 inhalations, yet the maximum dose should not exceed 400 mcg of Salbutamol.

Salbutamol inhalation solution can only be used for inhalations through a nebulizer. This special device turns Salbutamol solution into an aerosol.

The introduction of a bronchodilator via nebuliser can prevent the development of an asthma attack and quickly arrest bronchospasm even at the first symptoms.

Nebulizers suit well the at-home use, and are also convenient for young children. Salbutamol inhalation solution can be used alone, and can be used together with other inhalation solution (e.g., Ipratropium).

The recommended dose for adults is 5 mg of Salbutamol, and for children aged 4 and older – 2.5 mg.

Salbutamol solution for intravenous or intramuscularly injection is used to stop uncomplicated preterm labor during 24 to 37 weeks of pregnancy. Salbutamol injections relax the uterus and inhibit the contractile activity of the myometrium, thus preventing the onset of labor.

To treat a severe airway obstruction, Salbutamol 5 mg/5 mL injections may also be used. They are used once or twice a day to prevent night attacks of bronchial asthma.

However, tolerance may develop with prolonged and frequent Salbutamol administration, and the use of the bronchodilator in doses that exceed the therapeutic dose increases the risk of side effects.

The most common side effects of Salbutamol are headaches, nausea, hand tremors, nervousness and anxiety, insomnia.

High doses of Salbutamol can cause hypokalemia, which is dangerous for patients with renal insufficiency. Therefore, patients who are taking Salbutamol, are recommended to regularly check the level of potassium in their blood and monitor the work of the kidneys.

Joint use of Salbutamol with diuretics, tricyclic antidepressants and non-selective beta-blockers increases the likelihood of side effects.

If the dosage regimen of Salbutamol is followed and the combination with other drugs is correct, the risk of side effects is significantly reduced.

Due to its high therapeutic efficacy in relieving asthma attacks and ease of use, Salbutamol remains one of the most popular bronchodilators in Singapore.